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Still raining!

April 30th, 2006 at 01:35 pm

At least, the newly seeded areas of our lawn are getting watered well.

Today, we are thinking of making a run to donate to a thrift shop that benefits the mentally handicapped. We'll take a gander through the aisles - on the lookout for jeans and shorts for the girls mostly. I also like to look over the book section. We don't always find what we're looking for, but we're not desperate for anything either. It's fun to look, cheap to buy if something is found, and more importantly, we have left if what we're looking for wasn't found!

I always waiver between donating (and keeping track for tax time) and having a garage sale. It feels like everything we have has gone through the ranks of the four girls - can any of it be worth all that much to go through the effort of a sale?? I do know some people make a fair amount of profit at their sales. People wouldn't keep having sales if they weren't making money, right? I participated in our town' community garage sale several years back. I spent weeks culling through the corners of the house and garage, making things look presentable and pricing them low (25 cents was my favorite amount!) It rained. I made $10, and donated the rest for a lot more than that in tax deductions. A lot of work for little gain. I may have to come to terms with the fact that I may be severely garage sale challenged! (And leave the holding of sales to those who aren't!)

Enjoy your day..Take care!

1 Responses to “Still raining!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I love having one good garage sale per year. It is soooo much work, but my profits are usually over $150. Then we donate whatever doesn't sell. I know what you mean about the hand me downs, but some are not so bad, especially since as they come down the line at some point somebody would'nt be caught dead in something!
    I never do the community or subdivision sales because there is too much selection. You want a good sale either really early in the year (April) when people are hungry for it, or later (late Aug/begin Sept) when some of the winter stuff will actually SELL! I missed April, so I guess I'll go for later this year!

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