Home > The cicadas came too early...

The cicadas came too early...

August 3rd, 2006 at 04:35 pm

As I was hanging my laundry out on the line this morning, I noticed the relentless thrumming of the cicadas. Yikes! August is here, and that sound always sets me on edge about summer's end.

Did we get enough swimming time in, enough camping, and playing outside? Is our skin freckled and tanned, our hair naturally highlighted by the sun? Have I even heard one of the girls say she was bored yet this summer?! Still enjoying the summer....

Yet, I'm feeling compelled to create endlessly long lists of what chores should get done while the weather is still warm. Get to those back to school sales, outfit those girls! Gulp - check on the snow gear, because it's in the stores now, and on sale. Going through the closets, checking on what we need, donating what we don't.

Stupid, stupid cicadas, you came too early! I'm NOT listening...

So, how does this relate financially?? Well, I may not like thinking about the dumb cicada, and what their constant buzzing means, but I can't really ignore it. The season will change, the cold weather will arrive. Will I be ready??

Sometimes financially waiting things out is good, but other times situations warrant being prepared. As I store up warm weather memories, I must be practical and start in on that long chore list, bit by bit. I'll be in a panic if the sumac starts turning red, and I haven't made a little dent in the list. Take care!

2 Responses to “The cicadas came too early...”

  1. kashi Says:

    That's EXACTLY how I feel about August! Glad I'm not the only one! Wink
    Good luck with that list...

  2. Bookie Says:

    The local weather does a strange trick most years, which I await with a combination of fascination and dread. Summer drags on and on, ripening, rotting on the vine, and then it happens. I go to bed one summer night and awaken to discover the next day it's fall.

    The temperature may be the same, but the light changes. Something has happened. The smell of the world becomes different. Warm weather may linger for weeks; however, I'm never deceived about this. The trees know. Their green dulls, shifting toward russet and gold, and the cool of morning takes on a premonitory chill. Winter waits in the wings . . .

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