Home > Wrangling Wednesday

Wrangling Wednesday

April 18th, 2007 at 07:00 pm

The minivan's windshield looks great, as it should for the cost. Laundry is on the line again. Dinner will be homemade pizza.

Today, third daughter has Girl Scouts after school, during which I'll pick up oldest to do some practicing on her parallel parking (test is on Friday.) Second daughter will head home on the bus, and be there for youngest after she gets done with school. Then we eat a quick dinner, before the girls head over to the church at their various times for choir and confirmation. In between, all need to do homework. Wednesdays are tiring!

Mentally tabulating the upcoming, not usual, expenses - ugh! The dog needs to go in for her annual vet visit and grooming - I'll check to see if there are any heartworm pills leftover from last season, as they aren't cheap. The lifeguarding class my oldest is signed up for this weekend and next is paid for already, but there will be a class fee for the book and resusitation mask - off the top of my head, I think it's $60. The driver's licenses if oldest passes - maybe $35(I know it should be when, but remember I mentioned above her parallel parking!) The van's repair - I'm thinking $600, but it may be less (hope so!) Well, this should get us through April...we have the money, but it's just not the most fun way to spend, though very typical. Enough whining!

Enjoy your day...take care!

1 Responses to “Wrangling Wednesday”

  1. homebody Says:

    Landon just has his annual visit and I bought Heartworm pills for the first time. I get him groomed every couple of months and then I bathe him the rest of the time and brush his teeth. I just don't like trimming the toenails and I don't even want to know how they express whatever it is they express for male dogs (fixed).

    Have you checked insurance rates yet for adding daughter?

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