Home > Invasion of the Pinchy Bugs and Ants

Invasion of the Pinchy Bugs and Ants

July 13th, 2010 at 01:42 am

Well, "pinchy bugs" is the name given to these bugs by my daughters due to their nasty bite.

Their numbers seem to be increasing, so I finally looked them up on the internet. I found out that they are called earwigs. And these evil creatures are not only biting us, but it turns out that they are also responsible for demolishing several plants and flowers in our yard. I was wondering what could possibly be attacking my rhubarb that normally withstands all kinds of neglect. These bugs are also after my new Twist and Shout hydrangea. They are in the house winging about, with the cats leaping after them and girls frantically screaming. I'm getting frazzled...

And the ants go marching on.... if only they'd bypass my house! We've tried the more gentle natural approach, and we've resorted to an all-out chemical warfare against both the ants and the earwigs. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that I'm able to buy that is making a dent in their populations. I think I'm killing more as I walk along my sidewalk, so at least there is that.

What's up with earwigs in MN anyway?? I've lived my whole life in here, and never have I seen them until last year. And as long as I'm asking, what about the possums too? I've only seen them here in the last five or so years, though they've quickly succeeded in becoming the number one roadkill. I'll ignore their freaky looks as long as they do not come to my house, as I'm pretty sure if Home Depot doesn't sell something to get rid of the ants and earwigs, there is little hope in getting rid of possums.

Good old MN mosquitoes are a pain, but at least you know what's what with them! Time for bug patrol!

2 Responses to “Invasion of the Pinchy Bugs and Ants”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I just discovered earwigs this year in Iowa. I think they are out in big numbers because of the large amount of rain. Ours seemed to have dwindled recently since the rain stopped coming so frequently. I thought it was some sort of mutated lightening bug!! They are pretty gross.

    I've had good luck with ant traps place around where ants are seen. They take the bait back to the nest which helps with kill the entire nest eventually. Good luck!

  2. dmontngrey Says:

    I've seen a lot more earwigs in MA this year than normal! Interesting you should mention it.

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