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New shoes and so on...

August 20th, 2006 at 01:46 pm

Last night, I took the two middle girls to get their athletic shoes. I had a coupon for Famous Footwear, plus they were running a buy one, get the second for 1/2 off promotion, as well as sales on many brands. (Wow - I'm thinking that the 'full' price would be quite scary!)

I asked how long the promotion was going, as I wanted to bring my husband in for some shoes, and the clerk said bring your receipt in and they make good on it. So I picked out some on-sale New Balance walking shoes. The girls each picked out some nice shoes. We're set!! (I also tried out my new shoes on a walk with my husband after we got back, and they are great.) I'll take my husband there soon to get his 1/2 off pair.

I got to sleep in a bit today, which was wonderful, as I've been teetering on the brink of a cold (back with a class of kids for a whole three days and arg!) Catching up on sleep (from a few nights of insomnia during the week,) and being diligent with the zinc has kept it from progressing. Actually, one more day of zinc, and I think it will be gone. Yay!

Another beautiful summer day here, so the daily laundry will go up on the line. I'm thinking we should tackle the garage, but my family may have other ideas, which is ok too. Grilled chicken and a pasta salad tonight - nice and easy. Enjoy your day and take care!

So much for sleeping in...

August 19th, 2006 at 09:40 pm

For some reason, I woke at 5am, and couldn't get back to sleep. And being up so early didn't exactly result in a more productive me...oh well!

I did get the kids over to OfficeMax, and bought the rest of the school supplies. I am done! With $64 worth of printer ink, I was able to use the discount card I got from school. My husband wandered the store, and talked to a clerk about reinking the cartridges, but it won't work on ours (of course, grumble.) I also signed up for their MaxPerks program, which should result in a rebate at some future time.

The weather is beautiful, and the towels, sheets and daily load of clothes are all washed and hanging on the line outside. The cicadas are constantly abuzz. Dinner will be grilled by my husband. A nice low-key day for a sleep-abridged person...take care!

A bit of work, a bit of play...

August 19th, 2006 at 03:22 am

Setting up a new classroom is a lot of work! I started in the morning, and came home at dinnertime (I know, like a real job - ha!) Still plenty of work left, but progress was made. Plus I will love the extra hours on the paycheck!

After dinner, we all went to pick up more on the girls' school supply lists. One more stop to OfficeMax for a couple more items - probably tomorrow. At the end of the school year, I had received a $15 discount off a $50 purchase for OfficeMax. The supplies we need to buy there won't come close to the $50, but it so happens I do need printer ink. The ink's a grumble purchase, but having a discount helps.

We may also get gym shoes for the two middle girls this weekend (the oldest and youngest have theirs already.) Otherwise, a lazy couple of days ahead - sleeping in, puttering, grilling, reading, maybe swimming (at this time of year, the lake can turn pea soup green almost in an instant - the arrival of what I grew up calling dog days)...the best sort of weekend! Enjoy yours and take care!

Busy day in a busy week

August 17th, 2006 at 11:22 pm

What a busy week! I started our 'Ready,set, Kindergarten' class this week. It's exciting to see my former preschool kids proudly doing what Kindegarteners do. I've also been receiving bags of pass-along clothes from some of my coworkers - my girls look forward to my return each day!

After work today, I got a chance to go over my summer paychecks (I was waiting for my 8-15 one.) I finally figured out that I received all the hours I was supposed to, but on different checks and different pay periods. Confusing...but glad I didn't have to march into the payroll office, and glad to have the pay, for sure!

I took my oldest to one of her medical appts today. Being there three to five times a week, I take care to pay our co-pay and get a receipt each and every time. Just before our camping trip, I had received a bill for a sixty day old co-pay charge. I asked about it today, and it was in error, so our account is cleared. Yay!

It's nice to get two more things cleared off my eternal to-do list! I even visited my mom after the medical appt. She's doing well (only one call from the nurses on our vacation!) Conversation is still strange, but it's not so shocking as it used to be. Mom laughs a lot and keeps on talking, so no harm (and it's nice to be reminded of things from her childhood.) I'll need to be the keeper of my own childhood memories now. Well, on to dinner duty...take care!

What luck!

August 15th, 2006 at 12:58 am

This afternoon, my third daughter got a call from our local librarian saying that she had won a drawing, and could come pick out a book of her choice. When we arrived at the library, we found that she had also won a second drawing for two tickets for our upcoming state fair. Lucky girl! What's neat is that my husband and I were just talking of going to the fair, as our oldest will be competing there with her fire department explorer group. Two less tickets to buy is grand!

On the work front, I got a call today that we can put in a bit of extra hours this week and next, as we are preparing for a big open house on the 25th, as well as school's start in September. This is in addition to the 'ready for Kindergarten' classes I'm already doing these next two weeks. They didn't have to ask me twice! May our luck continue...take care!

Manic Monday

August 14th, 2006 at 07:41 pm

The laundry is washed and on the line outside. Dinner is planned and ready for last minute prep later. Made several appt calls - orthodontist for oldest and dentist for all six of us, without anyone missing school or work (I always feel triumphant after that call!) I'm working on the pile of papers on the counter - marking dates in the calendar, readying the things to be filed, etc. The bills are ready to be sent, and the checkbook is up to date. Cleaning - both the general and de-cluttering sorts.

August and the upcoming school year always does this to me. Whew...the vacation is definitely over! Take care!!

Coupon Capers

August 13th, 2006 at 03:09 pm

I washed laundry, and hung it on the line yesterday. Today we have rain (desperately needed,) so the laundry will be in the dryer.

I went to the bread thrift store and purchased our usual monthly amount of bread. There was a also a great deal on bagels, so I bought a dozen packages to freeze (for upcoming school lunches.)

I also grocery shopped, and did well. We were pretty low on everything, so I stocked up a bit. I also made a start on buying items on sale for lunches and school snacks.

I've always used the coupons from the grocery store flyer, but this time I attempted to make an effort to use manufacturers' coupons. I found for the most part that I still do best with the store and generic brands (which suit us fine.) BUT...I did manage to save about $10 (about $7 being manuf. coupons.) total for two weeks of groceries (including general and school lunch stocking up and health/beauty and hh cleaning supplies) was $190 rather than its usual $200-220. seems worth it to continue working at this (thanks to Flash and all here who share their expertise!)

A rainy, lazy Sunday ahead - definitely a reading sort of day! Take care!

Back at Home

August 12th, 2006 at 03:37 pm

We're back from our camping trip up north. It was so fun and relaxing. We spent lots of time in the water - swimming in Lake Superior and under Gooseberry Falls. Roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over campfires at night. My second daughter discovered a talent at making pancakes, so we had several breakfasts featuring her artistic creations (round is boring, mom!)

During the requisite laundry catch-up, I spent time gathering together my youngest's outgrown clothes, as well as checking out the rest of the girls' closets. Altogether I had eight bags of clothes, shoes and miscellaneous household clutter to donate at our favorite place. Yesterday afternoon, we made a run to make the donation, as well as check out their thrift shop for clothes for school. I told the cashier that we were leaving with almost as much as we donated. Well, only four bags...but good deals nonetheless. Still looking for some jeans for the two youngest, but not desperate yet.

We're almost school-ready. I have the bulk of the school supplies bought (just a couple things that I need from the art and office supply stores.) My mother-in-law offered to buy the girls their gym shoes - the oldest and youngest are done, still have the middle two to do. Yay all around!

The next two weeks, I'm working the 'Ready, Set, Kindergarten' class. I need to get out of vacation mode, and back to real life! I have to plan out meals for the next two weeks, make the gocery list, and then head to the bread thrift and grocery stores. I'll definitely be out of vacation made by today's end! Take care!!

Getting ready to leave...

August 5th, 2006 at 02:41 pm

Tomorrow morning we leave on our camping trip. Today we run errands, clean up the house and pack up the van.

We have our neighbor girl take care of the animals and water the flowers. She is worth every dollar I pay her - our old dog needs to be let out four times over the day, she plays and pets the cats and guinea pig who feel quite abandoned, and she keeps the goldfish safe from being a cat snack. Our house and animals are safe under her care - one thing to not have to think about while away.

Now, my mom is another thing...I visited her yesterday, and left our trip info with the staff. I take along my cell phone, but unfortunately I have limited reception up north. I'll check messages daily when we're in or passing near Duluth. It' funny, I can go weeks without a call from the nursing home, but as soon as I'm on vacation, which is always camping with poor phone reception, I get calls every time, and by chance catch them as we are near a town or a dell tower. I think this is the trade-off for having an easy time with pet care arrangements.

Otherwise, my visit with my mom had some good and bad. The good is that my mom is finally out of the wheelchair. After breaking her hip last December (knocked over accidentally by another resident,) she got through surgery and was rehabilitating well, until she developed sores on her feet in February, and was ordered into the chair until healed. Just last week, she was given the ok to be back on her feet with the walker (no one thought to call me for this!) Anyway, talking to Mom about it, she doesn't ever recall having to use the wheelchair (I didn't even mention the broken hip - ha!)

The bad isn't horrible, just a part of her Alzheimer's progression. She was talking about "Daddy" a lot. She has always called my dad that when she talks to me. So she said Daddy had been here. I repeated back, "Oh, Dad was here?" She looks me in the eye and says, "Not your daddy, my daddy!" Later, she saw the nursing home social worker (male) and kept saying he's her daddy. He's probably in his mid to late-twenties. I'm trying to see the resemblance, and it's probably more about some interaction they've had. She was also talking about her childhood house in Wisconsin. Something must have got her thinking of her childhood. I'm grateful she still knows who I am (not quite sure how I fit into her childhood thought mode.)

Well, enough of a ramble for now...take care!

Gas Price Wow...

August 3rd, 2006 at 10:24 pm

It's been quite the week for driving. We drove to three medical appts, a trip to the grocery (the next town over)and just the back and forth to my oldest's job at the school pool. Yesterday, I ended up disgruntingly having to fill up our smaller van. Boy, am I glad I did! I drove past the gas station this afternoon, and the price was at $3.13 - wow! Yesterday's $2.94 was soundly put in an altogether different light.

I am wishing we had topped off the big van (conversion full-size)for our upcoming camping trip departure this weekend. Oh well, it's not like that van gets anything resembling decent gas mileage when it's fully loaded with our camp gear. Still looking forward to the trip - gas be darned!

The cicadas came too early...

August 3rd, 2006 at 04:35 pm

As I was hanging my laundry out on the line this morning, I noticed the relentless thrumming of the cicadas. Yikes! August is here, and that sound always sets me on edge about summer's end.

Did we get enough swimming time in, enough camping, and playing outside? Is our skin freckled and tanned, our hair naturally highlighted by the sun? Have I even heard one of the girls say she was bored yet this summer?! Still enjoying the summer....

Yet, I'm feeling compelled to create endlessly long lists of what chores should get done while the weather is still warm. Get to those back to school sales, outfit those girls! Gulp - check on the snow gear, because it's in the stores now, and on sale. Going through the closets, checking on what we need, donating what we don't.

Stupid, stupid cicadas, you came too early! I'm NOT listening...

So, how does this relate financially?? Well, I may not like thinking about the dumb cicada, and what their constant buzzing means, but I can't really ignore it. The season will change, the cold weather will arrive. Will I be ready??

Sometimes financially waiting things out is good, but other times situations warrant being prepared. As I store up warm weather memories, I must be practical and start in on that long chore list, bit by bit. I'll be in a panic if the sumac starts turning red, and I haven't made a little dent in the list. Take care!

Free Dinner!

August 2nd, 2006 at 06:04 pm

Last night, I took the girls to our local night out event. My husband is in the police reserve unit, so was already there grilling a ton of hamburgers and hot dogs. Very fun to see friends and neighbors, even in the rain...can you believe after weeks of blazing sun and drought, we had rain through the day, and a downpour right during the event?! We were all so relieved to not have 100 degree weather, that no one cared getting soaked.

Today is beautiful and predicted to be in 70s - no window a/c's, no fans, laundry on the line. Yay!

The youngest two girls are attending our church's vbs this week, and my second is a teacher's helper. Tonight the oldest two will go to a bbq at one of the congregant's (beautiful!) home. Then tomorrow evening is the family potluck for all the vbs students, staff and families. It's an easy week for dinner, that's for sure!

We're all looking forward to our camping trip. Food is all bought, and in the freezer or safely stashed. We'll pack the van up on Saturday, and leave early Sunday. Can't wait!

So as to not have to scramble when we get back (coupled with catching stuff on sale,)the girls and I finished buying the rest of the school supplies they need for September. When we get back, we'll search for athletic shoes for school - and I have some coupons for those.

Enjoy the day....take care!

Same as ThriftyRay!!

July 28th, 2006 at 04:11 pm

My July 25 post had the same kind of undesirable comments that Ray mentions one of her entries had. I had deleted those comments this morning, but after seeing Ray's post, I checked my entry again. There were more, so I deleted the new comments, and then saved my entry to draft (I hope that's good enough!)

I wonder how this all happened? I never think of this blog being beyond this site, but I realize I shouldn't be so naive. Oh well, a learning experience!


July 28th, 2006 at 01:16 pm

I worked earlier this week, and I'll go in today. Our classroom space is moving around, and today we're moving our parent resource library to a different room. I'll head over in a bit - we're making an early start as the temps are predicted to be 100 today, and there is no a/c at the school. I'll be readying our program's fall registration brochure for mailing next Monday, so bit by bit I'm accumulating a few hours this summer.

We've been lucky in being able to hang out laundry almost everyday this summer, though the dryer usage savings is probably offset (or exceeded) by fan usage. If we can get through our 100s of the weekend, the forecasters are predicting 90s by Tuesday - oh yeah!

The girls have an afternoon rehearsal, and then eat bag dinners before tonight's performance. I have the makings for sandwiches, and can scrounge enough for the rest of their meal. I may try to do some grocery shopping while they are at rehearsal, or if not, I'll do it tomorrow. My list is ready, including meals at home for next week and for camping the week after. I'll freeze the meat for camping.

Last night we went shopping for a new clothesline (it's ancient, and was hanging by its last reinforcing middle threads, which did thankfully hold out to the end!) We also picked up a griddle and new coffee pot that we can use on the campfire. We had been making do with an old whistling tea kettle, but the plastic parts melted into the pot our last camping trip. All I'll say is that I never melted plastic when I put the keetle on, but I did appreciate that someone was trying to help. Now HE can help with the new pot, and there's no plastic whatsoever to melt! Anyway, we boil a lot of water camping, for consumption and washing, so now we can all have cocoa at the same time or have plenty of hot water for the dishes. I know, I get excited over silly little things!

Stay cool....take care!

The Heat is On (again)

July 24th, 2006 at 12:58 pm

We're heading for the 90s and high dewpoints again. Luckily, the three younger are auditioning for a play in the a/c high school, so we'll be staying cool for the afternoon.

I'm trying to get as much done this morning as possible, before we leave for the auditions. I need to schedule appts to the doctor's. Drop off and pick up my oldest from her pool job. A bank run. Figure out a cooler dinner than the one I was planning. Then after I run out of everything else to do, I am tackling my upstairs hallway (aka the place where everything gets tossed until I make decisions about what to do with it all - instead of a junk room, I have a junk hallway!) With this being my first week off for the summer, I'm feeling the pressure to get started on my summer to-do list, before summer is no longer. I've also been thinking seriously about going for a different position at the school, where I'd work the whole school day, every day school is in session (I know, I know, like a real job!) I can picture my days then really whizzing by...still going over the pro and cons of taking on such a position.

Enjoy your day...take care!

Enjoying Summer

July 23rd, 2006 at 01:48 am

We had our first local corn on the cob for dinner. It was so delicious!

The weather cooperated gorgeously for drying our laundry. and for just plain enjoying. Not as much done inside as I was planning, but the summer is too short to not be outside enjoying every minute possible.

I was reminded by LuckyRobin in her blog to make an online check of our 401K for the second quarter. Ugh - I think I should have stuck to my carefree summery activities. Oh well, as Robin points out, we're in it for the long-term!

Quiet Weekend

July 22nd, 2006 at 02:24 pm

My big plans for the weekend include doing a pile of laundry - bedding, towels and the regular load. We're predicted to have a little rain this afternoon, but so far, so good for hanging out on the line.

It was another chow-down week on the snacks, so next week will be a bit paltry - I keep reminding myself it's a learning process for the girls. It's just the snacks; no real starving for them.

We're working on clearing out the clothes that don't fit my youngest, and general closet cleaning and straightening. My, how that girl has grown this summer! We're accumulating a few bags of stuff to donate soon. Where we donate has a thrift store, so we'll start checking for jeans for school (and for camping in August - I think my youngest two have either outgrown or worn theirs to tatters.)

In between, there will be time for swimming at the lake and reading and puttering - definitely my sort of weekend! Take care!!

Target Adventure

July 21st, 2006 at 07:26 pm

I'm taking a quick break from keeping an eye on the sky - my laundry is on the line, and it's looking like it will rain. So far it hasn't, which is why I chanced hanging it out. (Ok, no logic to my thinking, but it keeps me entertained.)

I went to Target a couple days ago to hit the first of the back-to-school sales. I only bought supplies that were on sale and priced well - not one and the same, as I found the sale bulk glue sticks were priced higher than the smaller two-stick packs. Tricky, tricky!

Funny aside - as I was checking out, the cashier asked if I was a teacher. My first thought was whether a discount or nice perk would result from my answer. Then I noticed her befuddled look at what was on the counter. So I said yes, but that this was for my family. She stated that she thought I was buying for a classroom, but I said no, just too many kids - ha! Lest you think I was buying out the store - I bought 4 each of 10-packs of spiral notebooks and pocket folders, and packages of looseleaf paper. One set for each girl, including a mid-year restock - $12 of the supply budget accounted for! For once lots of bags for little money.

Still no rain, but the clothes aren't drying too quickly either. In a bit I'll have to leave the sky watching to my daughters, as I need to go pick up my second girl. She is coming back from church camp with her friend. All my girls will be home!

Take care!

Sun-induced Ramble

July 19th, 2006 at 02:18 am

We're back in the 80s again - yay! I even got to use my oven for tonight's dinner.

I worked today, hung the laundry on the line, and then headed to the lake with the youngest two. Wow, I can imagine everyone thinking, this is what she does EVERY day. Simple, even boring if you wish, is fine for us!

Tomorrow we go to my oldest's medical appt, and we'll be near Target and the first of their back-to-school sales. I'm checking over what school supplies I put away at the end of the school year (a whole six weeks ago!), and am figuring out what we need. The medical facility is close enough to Target, so I'll only buy what's on sale and priced well this week. It's a poky way to get the four girls' supplies bought, but it does keep the total spent down (Mom only buys what is on her list for that week!)

I will also try to visit my mom in between work and the dr appt. Last week I got a call from my mom, and I was so taken aback, as I hadn't heard her voice on the phone in over three years. Before her Alzheimer's (and earlier on in the disease,) we talked almost daily on the phone. We tried having a phone in her room in assisted living for a while, but she got confused and upset with it, so we discontinued the service. It took me a few moments to really understand it was Mom on the phone. It turned out that the nursing home staff were having a hard time settling her into bed, and they thought a call to me would help. It did, and when I visited the next day, she didn't remember anything of what had upset her the night before. We are starting to see an increase in her agitation, but she still has many good days. I remind myself all the time to enjoy the good in each day, and try not think too far ahead.

At least with having a number of things to attend to in my life, I can never wallow in one part. (I may have spent too much time in the sun on the lake - what a ramble today!) Take care!!

Work, work & more work....

July 17th, 2006 at 06:21 pm

I'm working the last week at the Spec. Ed. extended school year job. Next week I'm prepping and mailing out our early childhood fall brochure. Then the two middle weeks in August, I work a pre-Kindergarten class to ready the children entering Kindergarten in September. Bit by bit, it all helps pay the bills, while allowing me lots of time for the family.

I've got my assignment for the fall - four mornings a week in a pre-Kindergarten class, and two afternoons in a preschool special ed class. I'm thrilled to know this early what I'll be doing for the school year, and very happy with the assignments.

With fall shaping up nicely, I'm planning on enjoying the remainder of summer. It's still warm today, though no over 100 heat index. After I get the clothes hung on the line outside, I think we'll head to the lake for the afternoon. Dinner will be again grilled - still too hot to cook in the kitchen (oh darn...)

Stay cool (it seems everyone is in a heat wave this summer)& take care!

One extreme to another in MN

July 16th, 2006 at 09:31 pm

Not much happening here. Several hot and humid days in a row has slowed us down. Thankfully, the predicted temp of 100 has not happened so far today, though the dewpoint is making for a very steamy day. The lake has been the only place to be lately!

My husband and I both got payed on Friday. So I headed to the grocery store and spent less than usual for the next two weeks. This was due to having leftover meals from the previous two weeks, as it's been too hot to cook inside the house, and no one is all that hungry in this heat anyway. With fans running when we're inside and all night (no a/c, at least) - well, we'll probably come out just about even, when the electric bill comes.

Otherwise, I've taken the plunge and signed up for some of the freebies in the forum area. My worry in doing this has been mentioned a few times in others' blogs - a deluge of junk mail. Others have posted that they haven't had that happen, plus receiving some coupons, as well as the samples, would be nice. Anyway, if I don't like the result, I figure I can redo measures in reducing the junk mail flow.

I just heard from my oldest, who traveled on a mission trip to a Montana Crow Reservation. She is back in MN, and is due to arrive around dinnertime. My second girl has her bag packed, and is ready to head out with a friend to her church camp up in northern MN tomorrow morning. Whew! Coming and going...

Plans to grill tonight, IF anyone is hungry (the sun is just starting to peak out from the clouds - we may hit 100 yet)...stay cool & take care!

Bit by Bit...

July 10th, 2006 at 06:28 pm

I managed to accomplish a bit on Sunday. I went through all the bills and balanced the checkbook. Papers got filed!

I charted our meds, after finding the price had changed since the last time I looked at the online Rx cost calculator for my insurance. Some meds are cheaper to buy monthly at our local pharmacy, and some are cheaper to do through mail order. We're up to eight meds being filled, but it was getting to be a muddled mess. So now, I have a better handle on it all. And it turns outs that I will pay a slight bit less by filling one med locally.

Getting a handle on things helps with the finances so many times. Lots of loose ends taken care of - very nice to cross off my to-do list. Take care!

Thinking ahead...

July 9th, 2006 at 01:42 pm

Got my oldest sent off to her mission trip yesterday morning. The whole crew looked like they will have a great time.

Didn't get a lot done yesterday, beyond the usual laundry and meals. I did clean out the computer area though. Every so often, I pause at the computer and admire how nice it all looks (mostly 'cause I know it won't last!) I have a few of the younger aged computer games and educational discs to donate.

Later we watched a couple movies from the video store - Eight Below and Cheaper by the Dozen 2. I didn't think my youngest was going to make it through the first one! Luckily we watched the second one before bed - laughing is a far better way to go off to sleep for sure.

I saw my first school supply ad this past week. As much as I don't want to acknowledge the thought of September, I'll need to start collecting those 10cent deals as they come about. I have the three youngest girls' supply lists, and the oldest needs just basic supplies to start, with her high school classes providing supply lists, if any, after school starts. Ok, enough with the school thoughts!

Redirecting thoughts to our vacation plans immediately! We have our main annual camping trip the first whole week in August. We head north toward Duluth and the North Shore, and we all can hardly wait. We have money set aside in the savings for this. We can do this trip fairly inexpensively, mostly spending for gas, camping site fees (state park, cheap) and a mid-week food restock (we tent camp and use coolers and ice for the food.) There is a bunch of free things to do in Duluth (a port city on Lake Superior,) as well as at the state parks, Gooseberry Falls and along the North Shore of Lake Superior. So we get city and nature all in one trip. Can hardly wait - I know I said this already, but it's true!

We have a second set of vacation days later in August. We may do a smaller camping trip (this is the trip each year that we explore a new-to-us state park.) Or we may enjoy a few days at home. Depends on money and energy level at that point.

Enjoy your Sunday...take care!

Up and Running...

July 7th, 2006 at 09:39 pm

We had power go out one night last weekend, and the computer wouldn't come back on. My husband has been working overtime, and my computer knowledge lacks in any sort useful skills, so we had to wait until he had the time to look at it (and it took all of two minutes, wouldn't you know!)

Our family had a great little break at home over the holiday weekend (my husband and I both had Monday off.) We used our zoo membership, and went on a gorgeous day with the youngest two girls. We swam a few times at our favorite beach. On the 4th, we went to a bbq at my inlaws, and later went to a firework display at the next town over from us. In between, we had lots of time to sleep in and read and relax. It was definitely a struggle to get back into work mode on Wednesday - enjoying the relaxation way too much!!

Otherwise, we're continuing to luck out with line drying weather for the laundry, eating at home (lots of grilling) and enjoying summer (need to bank warm weather memories for the winter!)

Tomorrow morning, my oldest daughter leaves for a mission trip with the youth from our church. They are driving out to a Montana Crow reservation for service work and some sightseeing. She's looking forward to the trip, and is packed and ready for the early morning departure. She's a seasoned traveler, so I'm excited for her (this is far less embarassing for her than having anxious, worried Mom waving goodbye, as the crew sets off on their journey.)

My husband's last paycheck with a slug of overtime, as well as my better-than-nothing check, helped pay off the final amount on the mission trip, the vet bill and a too large prescription mail-order. I try so hard to stagger the med orders, especially the expensive, no generic available ones, but with some recent med changes, I got caught this time. Well, luck was with us, as there was extra on the paychecks. May we always stay this lucky - I like this lucky!

And, gosh, here we are at the start of another weekend, with no plans, which is my very favorite kind. May you all enjoy your favorite sorts of weekend...take care!

July already!!

July 1st, 2006 at 01:57 pm

Getting settled into the new work schedule, having the girls off from school and enjoying summertime activities has left me with less time to make entries here. But everything is going great!

I'll end up receiving continuous paychecks throughout most of the summer, due to working at least some each pay period. Some checks will be tiny, but nonetheless welcome! I'm almost half way through my summer position. I'm enjoying the work with the special ed. middle and high schoolers for these few weeks, but I really, really appreciate my regular position in the preschool.

I'm continuing to grocery shop every two weeks, and have been keeping to budget. There is a difference in having the girls home, though. They are slowly figuring out that if they go crazy the first week, there isn't so much left for the second week. It isn't the food I use for meals, it's more the 'fun' stuff, like ice cream and snacks and stuff for baking. There were a couple times last week that I could have ran for things at the grocery, but I held my ground to make the point of spreading out the consumption (plus we were hardly going to starve!) I grocery shop today, so it'll be interesting to see what happens these next two weeks. (Gosh, I'm probably sounding like an evil, conniving mom, but I promise you, I won't let my girls suffer malnutrition!)

The girls had birthday money to spend, so we went to Target yesterday. They did well, spending a bit for fun. They saved some too, when they realized there wasn't anything they needed or wanted right now. As for me, I bought a box fan on sale - we had our old one fall out of the window it was in, and some of the blades broke. I didn't need or want anything else either.

Happy July! Take care!

Lucky Us

June 28th, 2006 at 12:07 am

Another day of hanging out the laundry - quite the roll! Waiting for the homemade pizza to bake up. Same old, same old...

Looking ahead to Friday's payday - we both get paid - yay! We need to get some supplies for changing the oil in both vans. I'll pay the vet for Maisy the dog's annual visit. My oldest heads out on a mission trip a week from Saturday, so we need to get a few things - disposible cameras, a couple pairs of 'decent' shorts, that may be it. I need to check, but I think I need to register my second for the middle school tennis team for the fall. Well, easy come, easy go!

We're still covering the regular expenses, the increased number of medical visits, extra gas for the smaller van (for the medical visits,) while leaving the emergency fund and savings account funds intact. May our luck continue...

Take care!

Steady Course

June 25th, 2006 at 07:43 pm

Hanging out the laundry again. Recuperating after my youngest's birthday sleepover with her friends Friday night, and then having the extended family birthday bbq for three of the girls. Their birthdays are within a six week period, which we call our 'birthday season'. We survived!

Financially, we're maintaining a steady course. Not anything too interesting to write about, though. Well, no complaints on my part - everyone's pretty happy, and we're all enjoying our summer (lots of free, fun things to do!)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend...take care!

It's been ages...

June 22nd, 2006 at 06:03 pm

...since my last entry! And for good reason, as I started the new summer job on Monday. Challenging, but very rewarding work. I drop off my oldest to her job at the school pool, and then head over to the middle school, where the extended school year classes are (it's the only school with a/c.) The students run the gamut of abilities - autism (I think of contrary1 often!) to physical disabilities to blindness to Down's Syndrome. My second daughter takes care of my two youngest, and I'm home by noon. So far, it's working out great!

The weather has been holding out well for hanging out the laundry, and all meals continue to be at home. This is good, as I don't want to be so busy as to lose out on the savings of these activities. (Hey, I don't make that much at this summer position to slack off!)

We've also come to a less stressful level with my daughters' medical expenses, thankfully. Three visits a week are currently covered by our insurance, and we pay the $25 co-pay for each. One visit a week, we pay at an agreed-upon (with the facility) amount of $35, which we aren't putting through the insurance. They have written up an appeal to our insurance for more visits for my oldest, and then we'll get credited $10 for the $35 visits. We will run out of my oldest's visits covered by our insurance by the end of July. If the appeal doesn't go in our favor, the medical facility has agreed to charge us at $35 for all the visits once our oldest's insurance runs out. My third daughter's number of visits won't run out before the end of the year, so we'll continue paying them at the co-pay amount. I'm so thankful this is at least nearer to what we can afford, given how expensive these visits are uninsured. In addition, we have about $200 a month for all prescriptions. I would have never guessed our medical expenses would become such the beast it has! I know we're extremely lucky to be able to afford the care needed by our daughters, and to be able to keep current on those accounts. (Pooh - it's just not a very fun way to spend near a quarter of our money...enough pouting already!)

Back to the laundry, and need to pick up my oldest at the pool...Take care!

Strawberry Heaven

June 14th, 2006 at 01:11 pm

I went strawberry picking yesterday afternoon with my oldest and youngest daughters, and my best friend and her daughter. We snacked on what seemed like a ton of berries. For dinner, we had salad with chicken and strawberries on top, dressed with a blush wine vinaigrette - fantastic!

I cleaned, topped and hulled berries until my hands gave out. Next I froze them single-layered on trays, and then put them into freezer Ziplocs. We still have half of our pickings left in the fridge today for processing into jam, today's snacking, and some to bring over to my inlaws this afternoon. A bit of work, but oh so delicious!

I also have to cut some rhubarb for Mom's nursing home and deliver it this morning. I'll bring along my mom's dog for a visit too.

Another day of being able to hang out the laundry - wonderful for me, but it's getting a bit dry around here for the farmers. Some overnight rain would work for all of if I have any say in the matter!

Well, the strawberries won't take care of themselves, so I had better get going...take care!

Rhubarb & Berries

June 13th, 2006 at 02:58 pm

Waiting on the washer to finish, so I can get the laundry on the line outside. I love that we've had this incredible stretch of wonderful weather for line drying.

Need to pick some more rhubarb. I'll make up a double batch of muffins for us. My mom's nursing home called for a bunch for the residents to cut up for their rhubarb jam making session later this month. I think I'll offer to help with that, as I would love to learn how to make jam, and the recipes seem confusing. I'm sure there are many laughing at this, but I think I'm more of a visual/hands on learner, at least with canning.

To continue on the picking theme...the two girls and I are heading out to a pick your own strawberry place this week. I'm going to call a friend and her daughter who were interested in doing it too. I'd love to do up some strawberry jam - at least I do know how to do freezer jam.

Enjoy your day...take care!

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